Friday, October 5, 2007

Rico Duro-- Clark gets NINE games of suspension...

And a fine of $10,000...

Some folks are calling this suspension "unjust", "cruel" and "absurd", which makes me wonder whether those words mean the same thing in different parts of the country.

Personally, I expected six games, like the suspensions of Sala and Herron. Personally, I think Sala, who had a few moments to cool down before doing his best Bruce Lee imitation with three Rapids players, did the worst thing. But I can see how Rico's Danny Bonaduce act might seem even more out of control. Reasonable minds can differ, and I don't think the league is being unreasonable here.

I do wonder, however, how suspensions and fines stop people from losing their heads. If someone goes nuts, they're clearly not acting or thinking rationally and wondering how a potential fine might cut into their spending cash...

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